A Weekend to Discover and Learn About Your Relationships

A couples counseling intensive with Dr. Victor can be a defining moment. It can turn your relationship around and get it started in a whole new direction. Over the course of the intensive, you and your partner will gain new insights and awareness. You will learn how to make the shift needed.
In your private couples intensive, you and your partner can get your relationship moving in the right direction because:
You’ll be away from routines and distractions, so you and your partner will be able to give your relationship the concentrated focus and attention your relationship deserves.
All of your time will be private one on one time with Dr. Victor. There is no group work.
All of your work will be highly confidential.
You and your partner will have a highly personalized experience. Dr. Victor will be with you giving you personal guidance throughout the process.
You and your partner will rapidly develop a sense of safety which will allow you to dive into the issues and deal with them head-on.
You’ll get the concentrated time you need to make rapid progress.
Although we can’t solve everything in one weekend, what you can expect to accomplish with Dr. Victor's guidance is:
Quickly turn your relationship around, so it won’t go over the edge.
Regain the sense of partnership with your beloved that has likely been lost.
Rediscover the person you fell in love with.
Send you home with a specific plan, so you’ll continue to make progress.
Can I expect success?
if you have read this far, then you are very serious about your relationship. That is a wonderful indicator of the possibility of your success. It is very important to have realistic expectations. The intensive is the beginning point or a transition point in your relationship. It is a moment in time that you can look back to in the months and years ahead and say that was the moment that things shifted for me. That is the time that I began my conscious intentional journey of healing and growth with my partner. Your relationship is a living journey. Like any living thing, it requires tender loving care. When life gets busy the first thing we tend to put on the back burner is our relationship. When your relationship is on the back burner it either grows cold or gets burnt.
If you approach this intensive as the beginning of a new journey and commit to staying on the journey with conscious and intentional follow up, your success is likely. If you see this as one and done, then, in time, your relationship will likely return to where it is now. So the intensive will supercharge your work and give you tools for healing and growth. However, nurturing your relationship is a life-long journey. It can be a joyful journey of renewal and exciting discovery, none the less it is a life-long journey not a one or two or three day pit stop.