About Couples Counseling
Begin the Road to Healing
Discover the Possibilities for your Relationship
Confidential Individualized
Couples Counseling
May be Right for You
Creating and sustaining a loving, long lasting, and committed relationship can be both the most exciting and the most challenging journey we face in life.
Dr. Victor specializes in marriage and couples counseling. Whether your relationship is severely troubled or you want to deepen your bond, Dr. Victor can provide the support you need.
Over the past 3 decades Dr. Victor has worked with thousands of couples. He has repeatedly seen couples transform the most difficult situations into opportunities for healing and growth.
Most couples begin to experience the possibilities for their relationship in the very first session. By the end of the third session you will know how helpful Dr. Victor can be.
Begin the Process Today
Give Becky a call 618-516-3338
She will listen to your situation
She will answer any questions or concern you have
She will explore various options
She will help you decide what your next step is
Couples who attend regularly and make their relationship a priority tend to do very well. Couples who recognize that the healing growing process is a journey, recognize that consistent work is most effective.
Some couples find that weekly appointments work best other couples find bi-weekly or monthly appointments fit their rhythm the best. . Dr. Victor offers both private sessions and small group sessions. Some couples find the small groups to be most effective for them while others prefer the private sessions. Dr. Victor will work with you to find what combination works best for you.
Begin the Process Today
Give Becky a call 618-516-3338
She will listen to your situation
She will answer any questions or concern you have
She will explore various options
She will help you decide what your next step is
We are here to serve you and to guide you into growing the relationship of your dreams. Give us a call today and let the healing begin.
I truly do not know where I would be, or if I would still be married, if I had not been referred to our Imago therapist, Dr. Tony Victor. My husband and I had been going to a traditional' therapist for months and we were quickly headed down the path to divorce. That type of therapy felt like a blame game where one, or both of us, needed to fix something. With Imago, I have learned that I am enough and that my husband is enough and that we can grow together. I have also learned so much about who I am, as well as the sources of some of my personal struggles. Imago is a process where an individual can work on herself and share this learning with her partner. This deeper understanding fosters compassion and connection. We have cherished out retreat experiences with Dr. Victor and consider our bi-monthly visits to him our scheduled touch point (we do not see an end to our sessions, not because we are unhappy but because we are happy and see our continued growth). I tell everyone about the value of Imago and make it very clear that, in my opinion, Imago is the best marriage therapy out there and that all couples should make growth a priority. I consider our sessions a gift to my marriage, my children and myself. Imago has truly been a blessing to my life.